About Murphy
Murphy loves his job and would come to work every day if it were up to him.
Because he spends a couple of half days each week at the office, you may run into him occasionally—many of his patients schedule their appointments to coincide with his office hours.
Murphy’s favorite part of his job is greeting new patients with Dr. Fritz and escorting them to Dr. Fritz’s office where he likes to lie down at…okay…on his patients’ feet. Murphy understands, though, that some patients may be a little uncomfortable with dogs, in which case he’s perfectly happy to lie down in the hallway and send his good energy from there.
The only things Murphy loves more than work are long long long walks, trips in the car, and playing golf with Dr. Fritz.
The very nice people who volunteer at Save the Animal Foundation (STAF) on Cincinnati’s Red Bank Road took great care of Murphy until he found Dr. Fritz and went home with her in October 2004, and Murphy encourages anyone looking for a pet to get found there.