Appointments/ Cancellations
Patients may schedule appointments by calling the office at 513-984-3313, or they may schedule at the check-out desk concluding their visits with Dr. Fritz.
We’re aware that some medical practices now allow patients to schedule their own appointments online; at this point, however, Dr. Fritz has chosen that her patients schedule their appointments by speaking personally with one of her office staff. Many concerns can be coordinated quickly and effectively through telephone conversations without requiring an unnecessary visit to the office. Please rest assured that Dr. Fritz is alerted to all of her patients’ calls, and she personally decides who needs appointments when. If she determines her patients need to see her, her office staff will make sure it happens.
New patients can expect to spend up to an hour with Dr. Fritz at their first appointments.
Follow-up patients can expect to spend approximately 20 minutes with Dr. Fritz.
Dr. Fritz makes every effort to keep on schedule; occasionally, however, some patients require more of Dr. Fritz’s time than anticipated. Though we almost always build some space into each day’s schedule to account for this, we ask your patience if such circumstances interfere with your appointment time.
Cancellations and Missed Appointments:
We know that unanticipated events occur which may interfere with our patients’ schedules. If you need to cancel your appointment, simply let us know by calling 513-984-3313 within twenty-four (24) hours of your visit, and we’ll happily find another time for you to see Dr. Fritz. Less than twenty-four (24) hours notice, however, may result in our billing you for your missed appointment.