Dr. Fritz’s Interests and Activities
Sports and competition have always been important to Dr. Fritz…a day without sport or exercise is an unusual day for her. She believes it’s good to remain competitive, to work at achieving a goal, so she sets her sights high.
Dr. Fritz excelled at competitive, high-level basketball, softball, and volleyball— she continues to hold basketball scoring records at Cincinnati’s Deer Park High School, averaging 30 points per game her senior year and 25 points per game throughout her high-school career. She was an all-state college basketball and volleyball player. Her Empress Chili USSSA women’s softball team won the World Championship three consecutive years, during which time Dr. Fritz was chosen first-team All American. She coached junior-high and high-school girls’ basketball for many years in the Deer Park and Wyoming, Ohio school systems, teams that include the 1996 Wyoming High-School women’s basketball Ohio State Champions; and she currently plays a darned competitive game of golf (though it’s still not quite good enough for her).
While Dr. Fritz was a resident in Internal Medicine at The Christ Hospital, she was invited to work as a stadium physician for the Cincinnati Reds, and for about ten years you could find her at the ballpark with a hot dog or a bag of popcorn and rooting on the Reds.
It should be clear by now that if you find yourself reading the sports section of our local paper, look for Dr. Fritz’s name somewhere in it. She wants you to find her name high on a list—she makes no bones about it…she likes to win.
There’s more to Dr. Fritz than sports, however. She’s an active member of Knox Presbyterian Church in Hyde Park where she serves in a number of capacities, and in 2016, she happily completed her work on the Master’s degree in Theology at Cincinnati’s Xavier University.
She’s usually happily singing away in some choir, too; she plays both the piano and the guitar (there’s a banjo in her closet), and she has participated in choral music for most of her life…in college a cappella choir, church choirs, and for a number of years she sang in Cincinnati’s May Festival Chorus.
And that bicycle you might find leaning against the wall in her office? She often rides it at lunch.